Jade Everstone - Jade Everstone

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since it's been floating around the past two days. Am dissapointed in Kyle's interest in AI (esp. considering half for web revival is escaping things like gen.AI), but I'll wait and see before deciding on switching. Will be keeping other hosts in mind, but I don't want to break anything onsite / go completely offline on impulse
murid 5 months ago

What's the new drama? I haven't been keeping up.

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jade-everstone 5 months ago

@murid - tl:dr an article the main dev of neocities wrote a year ago surfaced wher hee writes about his interest in AI ( from what I've glanced, it's mostly a general ramble / doesn't seem to bleed into Neocities itself. But it's left a bad taste in some people's mouths

I made site progress - - after fighting with recoding the gallery layout, I decided to scrap it for a wider vers. of the main layout in the next update. The recode of the old layout was causing a lot of problems for me, and I feel the goal of "keeping the focus on the page content" is still achieved here
jade-everstone 5 months ago

Most of the other changes made recently were under-the-hood & beginning to port over some pages to the new layout. So that's pretty much the 'newest' thing I got to show off coding-wise

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So, I know overall that I haven't done much in terms of updating my site this year (burnout and all), but I think it's safe to say now that this page is on a semi-hiatus. admittedly my enthusiasm with web-revival has died down since 2023, but has gotten lower now.
jade-everstone 6 months ago

ofc the site will stay up, and I'll always love the small web & how beautiful it is in these terrible times. But it's hard to stay motivated to do more than drop a few pics in the gallery when the enshittification of the web only seems to be getting worse no matter how big the efforts are...

jade-everstone 6 months ago

edit - semi-hiatus. I guess there's things I can do here to distract myself, but in terms of bigger projects relating to the website, not much drive left

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Last updated 4 hours ago
CreatedDec 5, 2018
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art personal comics illustration