Jade Everstone - Jade Everstone

9,328 updates
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Adding a few pics to the 2024 gallery. Though I think I'll wait until I have a few more works up before adding the april fools stuff, just so it isn't mostly shitpost art
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*whew* reducing my art and site to just content? god that would be awful. In other words, april fools! The index should be back to normal (and if it's stuck, hard refresh the page). I'm also writing a recap for this years prank since I have some extra thoughts I'd like to share on it, but that'll be for later.
ninacti0n 12 months ago

Oh gosh- x’]

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mani 12 months ago

this was cute 😭

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drawloverlala 12 months ago

Lol very clever!

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We at Jade Everstone are proud to announce that we've improved our website! In order to follow modern trends, Jade Everstone has updated it's look and feel to match the look and feel of the many other familiar sites across the web! Hard refresh the index page for some fresh content!
likho 12 months ago

wow. you really nailed the corporate layout and language.

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stormeko 12 months ago

sdf;aslnfasl I love this

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murid 12 months ago

Excellent and very professional. As a CEO, I approve of this new direction.

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Somewhat site related but also not: I'm going to be closing commissions for the time being. Long story short, I've been in a highly anxious and unstable state lately and don't feel like I can comfortably do them w/o delays at this time.
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Website Stats

Last updated 4 hours ago
CreatedDec 5, 2018
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art personal comics illustration