incertae sedis

2,921 updates
0 tips
started weblog. not sure how much i'm going to use it
thanks a bunch for following!
incertaesedis 3 years ago

hey folks, i updated the website. it is now "future proofed" as they say in the business. it will need to be updated again within a year. is one of these statements a lie? are they both true? even i don't know.

incertaesedis 3 years ago

oh also i broke five links, which is an excellent way to "future proof"

wait a second, why am i linking to the neocities TOS instead of the privacy policy? what was i DOING last spring
incertaesedis 3 years ago

now linking to neither. problem solved

incertaesedis 3 years ago

Finally added buttons for sites I follow. (FAQ page is updated because I changed my button's url. Great display prioritization, neocities)

The website is now, as the kids are saying these days... Over 9000

Website Stats

Last updated 1 week ago
CreatedMay 19, 2020
Site Traffic Stats


personal postslowjam photography