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this is very impressive- may I ask how you programmed this? I am also developing a text-based game about Rusty of course lol and want to share it with others if possible
omg a rusty text game would go so hard, I'd love to see that! I did all the programming for it in javascript and chose to make it totally from scratch to have a bit more control over the look and feel. Although unless you've got a lot of time on your hands I wouldn't recommend doing it that way cause it took me ages. I believe there are templates for text games available on the web so that
might be a more efficient option but ultimately the choice is yours :))
I loved the game !! I made a couple runs but didn't get very far yet, gonna keep on trying. Amazing work! :^)
Thankyou so much!! :))
I'll have to look into the templates! Thank you for the advice!
It was really great hello-room! I loved the layout and system. I just wish it was more clear that solutions to puzzles are not exclusively diegetic, because i often tried to think in terms of what my character would know or be able to know and got stuck looking at the same objects in loop while believing I must have been missing something
Thankyou for the feedback :) To address this, I was thinking of maybe adding a command that shows the player all the objects in a room that can be examined/interacted with so they know when they've got everything and haven't missed something. If you have any more thoughts/suggestions feel free to message via email or discord :)