The Shrine

432 updates
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xpaper 3 months ago

couldn't find the post you were referring to :[

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red-white 3 months ago

There's a link to it in the updates section of my front page and in the writeups page, if that's what you're talking about.

What rules do the CA follow?
It's been a year. Damn.
Damn. It took like 30 seconds to load the page for the first time, but it's fine now even when using ctrl+f5.
Now that I've actually read a bit of it, there's no way the fic wasn't the work of a troll. Outside of the literal first paragraph, they managed to keep their tenses consistent (as far as I read anyway), and the SPAG got *worse* as the fic went on.
Yes! More people need to know about Marginalia
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CreatedAug 5, 2023
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