there are stars among these weeds — and, likewise for your site, the tower is especially cool : )
been neglecting my garden log! also i am still here, just come to an external standstill with my desired contact form, and also life is a heck
i love your cultivation page!!! the hand dyed wool is so insane, and your vegetables look so good!! I've always wanted to grow a food garden like this but it's Deer Central over here XD
thank you!! some nice people in a yarn shop warned me about getting into dyeing wool. they said i'd never want to stop. i get it now.
the garden i have a planter in is a city centre community garden: very un-deer-friendly! i do get lots of birds (maybe squirrels?) digging out my baby onions quite efficiently
for context i want to use a 3rd party api to make a contact form, but idk if this is gonna get blocked. guess i'll test it out and see what happens
I slightly misunderstood, apparently it's not re all hotlinking but just restricting forms and the fetch() function from using things hosted externally? see
speaking of creatures, the fact that one can't click on the gator/croc to have her open her mouth is frankly insulting
oh i have ongoing plans for that gator, fear not. she's just resting right now
this currently in re guestbooks. see you all again when i've worked out how php works i guess
neocities says no php allowed. so ig that saves me some time, but now i can't decide what guestbook widget i like best.
trains are full of diseases, i'm so ill. on the bright side i have too little brain to do anything ambitious so i get to tick a bunch of small stuff off the to-do list ✓✓✓
dawned on me that I haven't made *any* marginalia creatures for this site yet. shameful
new blog post exploring why the tower and why the wizard aesthetic ; also, some small text updates and behind the scenes code updates for my blog posts
hello yard, I would absolutely love that! do you have a particular vision? also I am open to being contactable a different way iuw: should get round to adding an email to my site anyway or there is always discord. or we can carry on writing comment-letters. have a good day, ghostscape <|:)
have a half-finished page! don't think i am going to blog post this month, or maybe just very briefly. i could use it like an actual blog and talk about my currently tedious and hectic life