Flying With Quills

5,549 updates
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Hello Avis, You are disappearing too much :D I hope at least you are doing well. Try to zoom your site's fonts to make it bigger.
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flying-with-quills 4 months ago

thanks ;;^^ I'll do my best to not disappear but garbage keeps on Happening. I'll see about the zoom thing; thank you!

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Edited your information to be accurate with the form you sent in! I'm extremely sorry for the mix-up. ;;
kunfucutsman 4 months ago

Don't worry, I read your life update on and I understand you needed to take care of important matters

Hm. Regarding the person who sent in a forum response a few weeks ago, I'm not seeing it anywhere on my end... I'll have to look into it.
flying-with-quills 4 months ago

Aha. The issue is that the integration app I was using to ensure I would receive a notification has simply.... Died. There's at least five people who have apparently sent in a form response and I had no idea. I'm extraordinarily sorry for this! Working on adjustments now, will send emails when I can, etc etc ;;^^

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Thank you for the kind message; I'm sorry I didn't reply sooner. Things have been just, as they are right now, but your sentiments cheer me a little. I hope you yourself are doing okay as well ^^;;
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flying-with-quills 4 months ago

Oh. I just realized, I was going to answer emails before releasing this. Oh well; I'm sorry for the silence, I did finally make that layout and I did most of the work a while ago actually. Just... *gestures vaguely*

someotherstranger 4 months ago

YOU HAVE RETURNED. New page looks nice. There's nothing wrong with expressing melancholy either. Life is tough and it can help others that are struggling to know that they're not abnormal, or alone, for struggling. Glad to see you again in any case.

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Ello is the christian webring still open? 🥺 I made my submission to the webring a few weeks backs and I haven't gotten an answer
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moheb-rofail 4 months ago

Hello Leonardo, I will be trying to add you myself, because Avis has exams and busy studying it seems.

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moheb-rofail 4 months ago

The webring should work / appear fine on your website now, please let me know if not.

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kunfucutsman 4 months ago

It works now! Thanks for adding me!

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moheb-rofail 4 months ago

you are very welcome Leonardo.

flying-with-quills 4 months ago

I'm extremely sorry; I can't say a long wait such as this won't happen again but I'll do my best. Welcome to the webring!

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Hi! Been awhile since I popped in here! How you're doing ok!
Hi Avis, it has been a long time, how are you doing?
flying-with-quills 7 months ago


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flying-with-quills 7 months ago

woops. I did not mean to yell but there is no edit button. -ahem- I hope you yourself are doing well, I saw the stuff about moving to Canada!!

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flying-with-quills 7 months ago

I myself have been... up and down. Ever since school ended, my emotions seem to be all over the place and mostly in a bad spot but I think it's just everything catching up to me. I'm working to make a stable routine right now; if I can have something under control, like getting up every morning, I'll start doing better I think.

flying-with-quills 7 months ago

Thank you for asking, I hope things have been going smoothly for you and your family ^-^

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currently healing from food poisoning. augh.
In the mood to write for once but I don't have my computer for once!!!!!!! aaaaaaaigh

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CreatedJul 30, 2023
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personal writing journal christian faith