Flying With Quills

5,549 updates
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Hi Avis, I can not find your blog section in your new layout.
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flying-with-quills 2 weeks ago

Thanks for letting me know, I'll add it back when I. find the energy to do that.

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After writing the word "Christmas" in cursive like 50 (billion) times (I usually write print with a few words/letters in cursive for some reason) and I'm getting better at it but also now I know why some people who grew up writing cursive write Like That
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Wish there was a way to turn off the view count. That thing gives me anxiety tbh
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engelsbeginn 3 months ago

If it helps, it's mostly bots.

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flying-with-quills 3 months ago

@Moheb why? A lot of really small things stress me out or give me anxiety lol;;; And that does help Engels, thank you ^^;

Bigly changes coming to the webring. As well as an article (I feel stupid saying that, it's basically a blog post that's a little more thought out than my ramblings) which is an answer to an email I got millions of years ago.
moheb-rofail 3 months ago

an email I got millions of years ago: you are still replying too late 🙃🙃

flying-with-quills 3 months ago

I'm trying okay, lol. Better late than never?

flying-with-quills 2 weeks ago

Oh. this never happened. woops.

Watching my Mother play Infinity Nikki /ᐠ。ꞈ。ᐟ\
flying-with-quills 3 months ago

This game is adorable....omg...

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engelsbeginn 3 months ago

It's so cute! But I'm getting so many crashes. I hope they send updates soon!

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flying-with-quills 3 months ago

Same! We got pretty far before it crashed like twice but the DETAIL? I was also expecting the world to be kinda empty but they really put a lot of work into it o,o

flying-with-quills 3 months ago

I also wasn't expecting the map to be so huge lol and with the kinda empty space in the middle, it looks like there's room for future map expansions... (⊙ˍ⊙)

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flying-with-quills 3 months ago

huh. That's a whole lotta Stuff I wrote. It's 5 in the morning, I'll come back in 12 hours and cringe at that later probably

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Happy Thanksgiving ^^ I hope everyone has a good day today
Sorry only just saw your comment -- thank you, I appreciate it ^^;; It's been a few days since I wrote that depressed rambling but I finally did some things I've needed to do and I'm a tad more calm. A very, very mature and kind of friend is also trying to help me be in God more, as much as one can without a church. He's the most consistant thing in my life atm so hopefully that bodes well.
someotherstranger 4 months ago

No worries! Your friend sounds rad, and glad to hear he's helping you out. The Lord bless and keep you both.

finally got around to answering an email I've put off for like....8 months
moheb-rofail 4 months ago

wow, chances could fly if you waited so long.

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flying-with-quills 4 months ago

@ Moheb - I've been thinking about that little sentence all day.

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moheb-rofail 4 months ago

sorry for that, I think I used a kind of portion of a slang or so but the wrong way... but anyway I meant, if there are any chances you have do your job immediately before the chance goes away..

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flying-with-quills 4 months ago

I understood you

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flying-with-quills 4 months ago

-woops that sent too early- anyway, I understand, and I'm sure plenty of things have indeed passed me by... I can't change that but I can try to do better.

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personal writing journal christian faith