Flying With Quills

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Now that I'm back, I'm really annoyed with my layout again....
flying-with-quills 3 months ago

I want something that feels cozy and full, like my Aunt's house, yet not "full" in such a way that it feels cluttered. Like everything has a purpose and maybe the organization and placement only makes sense to me but you're still happy to be here and makes you feel as though you can rest peacefully (again, like my Aunt's house)

flying-with-quills 3 months ago

I shouldn't be allowed to have a computer at 6:30 AM what the hell am I talking about.

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flying-with-quills 3 months ago

But anyway, my Aunt has a lot of plants in her house....and purple? I don't like purple all that much though but I got it to work for that one thing, so maybe.

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flying-with-quills 3 months ago

Actually, slate is my favourite colour so maybe something like a rainy day but not a rainy day that mocks you with sadness. But I worked really hard on that rose-gold...paper...background.... (I'm pretty proud of it actually, even though it doesn't flow as much as I'd like it to)

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engelsbeginn 3 months ago

On that note, I really like the layout customization you did to your diary! It's super cute!

capstasher 3 months ago

Welcome back

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:D Site profile is up again!! I'm done with highschool!!!
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yosaia 3 months ago

yooooo no way

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There are BABY FOXES living under our shed...Three of them...Lil black tips on the tails...Our shed is so close to the house ??? three teeny lil foxxy tots....
didntask 5 months ago

What are they saying?

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flying-with-quills 5 months ago

They are baby so they are very quiet, but my Mum says she hears crying at like 7 AM every morning!

capstasher 5 months ago

AVIS! We NEED to know what the fox was saying! It's a matter of national security!

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flying-with-quills 5 months ago

Well I can tell you what their Mum says, often in the middle of the night: (they sound like women being murdered in the woods. It's quite startling XD)

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oh my gosh. I'm about ready to cry. my computer forced an update and when it finally finished EVERYTHING was gone??? I restarted it and it's back to normal now but that was a heart attack I didn't need
flying-with-quills 5 months ago

wip but not deleting the update. I want to get this section finished before bed

flying-with-quills 5 months ago

Is ready now :) I mean, somewhat. Didn't get to putting all of the "samples" out there because I just couldn't parse through the walls of text I'd written for myself fast enough, and now it's Sunday;; oh well. I hope it's interesting, at least.

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flying-with-quills 5 months ago

Also, new flash-fiction. For some reason the Owl City page is kinda broken, but you're still able to navigate to the fictions...((under the "mine" section))

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capstasher 5 months ago

concept: The "ghost" does not see as a person sees out of their eyes. Due to it being esentially a relay of the soul, any light particles interacting with the atoms of the soul render as information to the ghost. A sort of "feeling vision". Same happens when interacting with objects. While the ghost cannot move them, it "sees" them differently on contact. Depending on density the ghost may see inside the object

capstasher 5 months ago

there would be a strange sort of pressure (?), like the ghost would not have physical sensations, but some sort of anxiety/pressure/fullness originating from contact with a physical object. I imagine the full body vision, seeing out of every part of the body of the ghost, would be a strange sensation one would take a while to get used to/shake off after returning to the Current

flying-with-quills 5 months ago

Thank you for your thoughts!! :o I think that's a cool concept

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Okaayyyyyy I just spent a while getting this thing to look nice and I'm gonna add the pictures to the thingie (there's over 30) but here's the thing for the friend I mentioned earlier.
flying-with-quills 5 months ago

It's a bit silly but...Idc! Jack started making them a bit ago as a creative outlet and he's now amassed a ton of them lol. I think they're worth sharing and I think they're cute ^-^

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flying-with-quills 5 months ago

Added an interesting article to make the page seem a bit more important than it actually is lol

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flying-with-quills 5 months ago

-Also- added a minor post about grammar to my blog

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capstasher 5 months ago

home button opens up your homepage in the iframe, doesn't take you to it directly

flying-with-quills 5 months ago

WHAT lol, thank you for letting me know!

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Started looking at your website because of your comment to Cap and your post about veiling is really interesting! I have a Presby friend who also veils and that was my first time coming across the practice. All that to say - you seem really neat! ^-^ Would you be interested in joining my Webring?
literaturegirl 5 months ago

Thank you for your kind words. Yes, I would be; cap was already encouraging me to! Send me an email if there's anything in particular you'd like to say, or feel free to reply back here.

flying-with-quills 5 months ago

There's nothing I'd especially like to say rn, just thank you for your interest! :)) I'll be taking some time to read through all your articles ^^

today's project is homemade oreos >:}
capstasher 5 months ago

Let us know how they turn out!

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flying-with-quills 5 months ago

^-^ I posted a photo of them -- they turned out pretty well!

capstasher 5 months ago

They look great! You ought to try making kinder milk slice at some point! That stuff is delicious

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flying-with-quills 5 months ago

They DO look really good :0'' thank you!

inkspriteinscriptions 5 months ago

They look so cute!!

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A tumblr post about the process of crucifixion if anyone's interested: (suddenly my problems completely don't matter after I read this -- Idk what to say except, "Glory be to God.") )
My graduation dress came today!!! :D It's so lovely ^-^
flying-with-quills 5 months ago

Just wearing it really makes the changes that are soon coming to my life seem a lot closer, and more real

flying-with-quills 5 months ago

I now have a lot of motivation for finishing my thesis lol

moheb-rofail 5 months ago

Congrats Avis


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personal writing journal christian faith