Flying With Quills

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Hey heyy - not much may be happening but stuff is indeed happening for me ^^ I just took my first CLEP exam (College Level Examination Program) and I think I did pretty well! It's not graded yet but they don't let you take the essay portion if you didn't pass the multiple choice and I'm pretty confidant about the essays.
Played minecraft for the first time (the first time that counts anyway) tonight :3
kunfucutsman 6 days ago

Minecraft gaming

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after 14 billion years I am finally adding a changelog to my website. Out of the way so that it's not a hazard on the eyes for people who dont care but I care
flying-with-quills 1 week ago

Now just to remember when I actually did make changes. the majority of that list will just be guesses tbh

The more I do reading into trying to have an Actually private email client, among other things, the more overwhelming it gets. Like...Idk if I really am willing to go through this immense hassle. It's a little depressing
Also, there's a "no javascript" option for the webring. It was added a while ago actually but I've been in the Midst of Things so I never...announced it... I also don't know if that sort of change is big enough to warrant an annoying email sent out to everyone so yeah.
moheb-rofail 2 weeks ago

The no JavaScript section was not functional, but I managed to change it to function.. don't delete it.. you know I am using it now on my website.. our friend Aiste was the one whomade me observe that it doesn't work, but now it is working.

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flying-with-quills 2 weeks ago

Ah, oh? Can you email me and let me know what wasn't working? Thank you for telling me though!

huh. The "random" button under the bible widget seems to be referencing the code for the free speech webring instead of mine...? hum.
kunfucutsman 2 weeks ago

I found the problem! Turns out that both the bible ring widget and free speech widget use the same file name for handling their widgets, "onionring-widget.js"

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kunfucutsman 2 weeks ago

So because the browser loads two javascript files with the same name, it uses the latest one which is the one from the free speech webring, and because both widgets use the same name of the functions for the random link, you get that bug

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kunfucutsman 2 weeks ago

It can be fixed by modifying the code of the bible webring to something with unique names, both the files and functions have to be changed so they don't interfere with other onion.js based webrings

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flying-with-quills 2 weeks ago

Thank you for letting me know ^^ I appreciate it

OH AND (sorry for yammering so much) you know something that's really dumb? Like kind of stupid? the whole "secret message" thing I have as part of the form. Like half of everyone who sends in a form don't understand what I mean by that and that's completely fair. I'll probably... I need to think about it I guess, but probably something like "Do you affirm the Nicene Creed" is enough lol. Idk why I did that.
someotherstranger 2 weeks ago

I've seen a similar thing done in animation collab application videos. They hide a password in the rules to make sure people have read the rules when they apply. Dunno whether that's necessary for this form though. Also it's good to see you back!

flying-with-quills 2 weeks ago

-> What's Up? tab; things have changed for me

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Hello, it's been a while, again. Added four members to the webring and went through all current members deleting any without the widget or other such things. Submit another form or email me if you wanna be added back... I don't know what other webring owners do in situations like this so I'm hesitant to send out emails. I've sent out emails to everyone who's been accepted though! Welcome;
flying-with-quills 2 weeks ago

I am both shocked and glad that people are still finding the ring and either sending forms or emailing me about it. It's both daunting and comforting and I hope I can improve how I handle it and the webring website as well. :))

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CreatedJul 30, 2023
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