Flying With Quills

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Hi Avis, it has been a long time, how are you doing?
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flying-with-quills 3 weeks ago


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flying-with-quills 3 weeks ago

woops. I did not mean to yell but there is no edit button. -ahem- I hope you yourself are doing well, I saw the stuff about moving to Canada!!

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flying-with-quills 3 weeks ago

I myself have been... up and down. Ever since school ended, my emotions seem to be all over the place and mostly in a bad spot but I think it's just everything catching up to me. I'm working to make a stable routine right now; if I can have something under control, like getting up every morning, I'll start doing better I think.

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flying-with-quills 3 weeks ago

Thank you for asking, I hope things have been going smoothly for you and your family ^-^

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currently healing from food poisoning. augh.
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In the mood to write for once but I don't have my computer for once!!!!!!! aaaaaaaigh
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Making pizza tonight with focaccia dough. Last time I did this it turned out...weird, and I think it's because the focaccia is such a wet dough but Idk, we'll see what happens.
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flying-with-quills 1 month ago

It actually turned out really good this time :3

hi I'm not dead. Idk what's been going on but brain fog is real. Stuff happened that's sort of shut down my emotions but now that means my logical brain can actually think about stuff now so...yayy. Currently trying to find a good course for learning code properly instead of staring at templates.
been gone for two weeks in Japan...What's been going on? :3< (will actually be making site updates soon. Need to get back to a few people abt the webring as well)
someotherstranger 2 months ago

Japan?? That's pretty rad.

New member of the Christian webring added tonight. ^-^
Sorry AGAIN for being silent, I pretty much just got back from the most epic thing I've ever done in my life. Also wow it's a new month. But for the kind messages I saw before leaving, thank you a ton, I'm full of a lot of love right now lol and just thank you. School's over, new things are happening, I'm looking forward to new hardships and working on being less melancholy. I hope everyone's been well. :)))
someotherstranger 3 months ago

To keep a long story short (Neocities comment limits ;-;), I was recently struggling with a feeling of weakness and helplessness, that my incapability made me worthless. But someone told me that we ARE weak and that's why we need God. Our strength rests in Him, and in acknowledging our weakness we need to ask Him for strength. Which ties into 2 Corinthians 12:8. His power is made perfect in our weakness.

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someotherstranger 3 months ago

Basically, God is glorified when His strength shines through weak people. Being weak doesn't make us worth any less than anyone else, even though a lot of times it feels that way. We're all adopted sons and daughters of God through Christ, and in that our value before God is forever equal. If we were measured by our merits, we'd all be screwed lol. We're all truly weak and in need of God, no exceptions!

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CreatedJul 30, 2023
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personal writing journal christian faith