Added some more buttons and fixed a mistake I did when merging the about-me page on my github
Changing some things in the home and about me sections, be sure to reload your css!
But the solution i did with Hugo may be the one I need. Instead of building a js file with the vars, I build a txt file with the update date and have javascript read it and update the footer date. The http request that gets said file is the one with the cache-busting
After about 10 commits of testing I made a solution: USE Hugo's resource generation to make a file called vars.js which contains the last time this was updated, then force the script tag to download the js file and then other function handles the updating of the footer
Problem now is that the time.Now function uses the time on the virtual machine which seems to be two hours ahead of me.
It should be fine as long as I don't update my site too late and someone decides to watch my website in that 3 hour period
At least it solved the github action having to update everything, so that's good :)
New post that was writting too quickly! It's my BDAY!