Flying With Quills

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Also, there's a "no javascript" option for the webring. It was added a while ago actually but I've been in the Midst of Things so I never...announced it... I also don't know if that sort of change is big enough to warrant an annoying email sent out to everyone so yeah.
moheb-rofail 2 days ago

The no JavaScript section was not functional, but I managed to change it to function.. don't delete it.. you know I am using it now on my website.. our friend Aiste was the one whomade me observe that it doesn't work, but now it is working.

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flying-with-quills 1 day ago

Ah, oh? Can you email me and let me know what wasn't working? Thank you for telling me though!

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Last updated 1 day ago
CreatedJul 30, 2023
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