Old-School Hyena

6,970 updates
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In other news updates on the site will slow down until weather becomes stable again. Don't wanna risk a thunderstorm frying my cpu before I get to revamp the storage section.
(Day 513: they still don't suspect I'm a fujoshi)
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fluffyhyena 4 years ago

(I do still believe, however, they're catching up on me being a furry. End captain's log.)

frisout sent a $2.00 tip to fluffyhyena
4 years ago
fluffyhyena 4 years ago

This is so out of the blue but I can't thank you enough ;v;

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frisout 4 years ago

Hey! I just really enjoyed your site and you clearly put a lot of work into it. I still had $2 stuck in my paypal wallet I didn't know what to do with so.. ^-^ no need to thank meee!! keep up the adorable work ^-^

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PSA if you message me and I don't reply I'm not ignoring you I just have terrible short-term memory
Which god do I have to sacrifice a goat to to find a fan of Hunter x Hunter. Specifically the 1999 version.
fluffyhyena 4 years ago

No-one who likes 90's anime lists it... I guess bc it wasn't available in English-speaking countries unless you bought the DVD. Meanwhile here in latinamerica it is a pretty well-known nostalgic series.

fluffyhyena 4 years ago

Not as big as Dragon Ball Z or Saint Seiya or even Rurouni Kenshin but still pretty well known by 90s kids as it was on a couple of important TV channels back in the day

fluffyhyena 4 years ago

Which is odd bc the dub was absolutely atrocious. Think of the worst dub you've ever heard then make it worse. Beggars can't be choosers I guess.

yudosai 4 years ago

Try the American Urusei Yatsura dub. That is the worst dub in anime history.

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fluffyhyena 4 years ago

Now I'm curious! But does it switch the genders of two characters around and make a 12 y/o sound like a 30 y/o dude?

hawaii1999 4 years ago

it's on youtube in HD!

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CreatedAug 26, 2018
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