hello! hi! welcome!

1,453 updates
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hewwo... i've been busy... not so much has happened... gonna try to be more active on here!
acatnamedsaul 6 days ago

ur css is so slay!

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i wish i could do something "creative" and "artful" but i can't at the moment and i'm sorry. i want everyone to know that i've never been an artist and everything that i made was a part of a big prank! gotcha!
flowerinbinary 3 weeks ago

i'm not doing too well mentally

virtually-isolated 3 weeks ago

You're wonderful to me and I will remind you every time you want of that. Your poetry speaks to me and your design skills and insight have build this beautiful site. Be good to yourself, you deserve the world

1 like
flowerinbinary 3 weeks ago

@virtually-isolated omg thank you so much :CC i'm trying my best and taking care of myself and writing stuff. it's hard but i do what i can!!!!!!!!!!

1 like
hey. please take care of yourself. continue to live, to make art, to cry, to laugh, to smile, to breathe and eat.
flowerinbinary 1 month ago

so here it is! in other news, i really want to try for making some cool website stuff. i also want to spruce up the site a little bit, maybe try some new site templates, maybe even make something myself

flowerinbinary 1 month ago

also this blog post is a "stream of consciousness" thingie so sorry for the potential mistakes

hi again! so... my life hasn't gotten better since the last time i wrote a little thing here. i was thinking about writing a lengthy blog post about it but i'm not really sure.
flowerinbinary 1 month ago

i want to be really careful about potentially venting about my problems and feelings because while i think it can be helpful, i also don't really want to have that kind of a thing on my website. i don't know really

flowerinbinary 1 month ago

i've cried a lot today and i'm a jumbled mental mess right now

cutdoctor 1 month ago

Maybe it'd be useful to make the blog entry but then not link it. Like, get those feelings out on 'page' and then tuck em away where they won't muck things up? Either way, I'm wishing you the best, hope things get easier.

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flowerinbinary 1 month ago

@cutdoctor thank you so much! that sounds like a very solid idea

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hi! a little update: i had a really bad week and kinda lost myself for a bit. it's been really scary and stressful to make stuff (and exist in general) and it's my 100th attempt to start again. i think when you are trying to make something artsy but you don't really take care of yourself first, that's when you can feel yourself making something that you don't like or enjoy.
flowerinbinary 1 month ago

you gotta put yourself together before doing something that requires you to be open and vulnerable and not stressed out of your mind, duh

flowerinbinary 2 months ago

check out my photos!!!!!!!!!!!!

flowerinbinary 2 months ago

i might change the dithering of the photos cus the colors look a little bit wonky.............. or not

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CreatedJul 13, 2022
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art videogames music blog furry