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rice reveal... ricing linux is really just vanitas but for nerds. the smartest programmer that ever lived used a completely stock Ubuntu desktop
very nice
As for the journal entry...Indeed, there are so many inversions/perversions of Truth within society that it can be hard to see past them sometimes...
...emphasis on violent competition rather than peaceful cooperation, meaningless notions of "rank" or "status" rather than true equality, taking by force in order to entertain personal wants rather than freely giving to fulfill other's genuine needs, hoarding rather than sharing, tearing down rather than lifting up, and so on.
In a similar way, sins are prisons built upon fear. Pride is often a cover for insecurity, while greed and lust can be futile attempts at countering a sense of lack and loss, however contradictory that might seem upon the surface. Temptation itself is to mistake hell for a heaven, and thereby become trapped in it.
Therefore, living as Christ still means persecution, for it is difficult to survive outside of a society that would constantly compel one to sin. However, there is incredible beauty and joy in sincerely trying to be steadfast in virtue amidst the chaos and pain. It brings forth an Agapic Love that is ineffable.
This Agapic Love can only be lived. It is known experientially, not merely "intellectualized" about. This is the true "gnosis".
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