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Are you sure you want to do this?
definitely seems like there's an alternate part of reality that deals in psychic powers
can you do remote viewing?
@siqu feels like it, of course no hard evidence can be found though. @kaiotakes no, but i have had an out-of-body experience in which i was projected above the vehicle i was in.
Wow...You too huh? I can identify with a lot of this, though personal details differ of course...Dink Smallwood was my jam back then too. Poor Quackers. Haha! My GATE classes mainly consisted of making us draw pictures after being given somewhat vague prompts. No Zener cards, but a few Rorschach blots and "hearing tests" iirc.
As for your conclusion, is probably needless to say that I agree...There are other avenues of "recruitment" (i.e.: New Age "Indigo children" type camps), and it is worldwide in scope (e.g.: the work of Vyacheslav Bronnikov in Russia)...because spirits do not necessarily operate according to human borders...
I went back and read Psychic Reality...I see that you are already aware of that project...There have been many attempts to build a physical Mental Omega Device, a kind of "matrix" formed by distorting the noosphere, but the plans have failed because there is a greater power preventing it...
There is so much that I would like to share, but I will just send this for now, particularly what's in the drop-down "spoiler":
every incursion on your life requires that you consent to it somehow... even by force (death is always an option).
Exactly. This is why it is important to say, "I opt out." In so doing, you are released from subconscious control of the death machine that invisibly, psychically girds the Earth...A Mental Omega Device may not exist physically, but it exists spiritually. That is what is driving the repeated attempts at its manifestation. Steadfast virtue is a protective influence. Perfection of virtue is eternal life.
if I was born at 8 months of pregnancy does it technically mean I was rushing to get into the world?
my father wouldnt shut up about that "indigo children" thing. weird to see it being mentioned somewhere else
@mihaigolanul or u are a holy bodhisattva who enthusiastically chose to reincarnate in this hell realm out of compassion for the rest of us