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clownfredzone 10 months ago

gonna be moving most of the serious/vent art to a separate part of the art page soon, since they're out of character! just didn't have the time to do it tonight. :0)

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happy pride month everyone! i didn't come up with a pride site theme since i'm pretty busy with irl stuff right now, but if you want some pride decor you can always pick up a pride clown... wink wink nudge nudge! :0)
thechillzone 10 months ago

im so sorry but could you blur that more? im not good with body horror and i can still see that in detail

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clownfredzone 10 months ago

sorry about that! i upped the blur to 50px, let me know if thats any better... if not i may replace it with a generic cw icon! ty :)

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thechillzone 10 months ago

yeah that's good!! thank you C:

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HAPPY 1 YEAR ANNIVERSARY CLOWNFRED ZONERS!!!!! i had a whole anniversary temp update planned but of course im still far from home right now… will be putting it up tomorrow and leaving it for the rest of the month!!
lulu3xx 11 months ago

wish you luck ^^!

no SOTW this week since i’m away! excited to get back home :0)

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Last updated 5 days ago
CreatedMay 22, 2022
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personal silly clowncore clown art