I love the effort and creativity of your site! every page has something unique, it's very inspiring. I especially enjoyed the animations on the boat page! also, I love love love your tattoo flash, the flowers are absolutely beautiful. :)
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sick site! i am unable to scroll down on the main page though, past the Update Log title. the scroll bar doesn't appear at all, but it does in the Welcome! box (I am using Brave/Opera browsers, both chromium based). I love this though, what i can see is awesome, great execution. thanks for the follow!
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Thanks so much! I've been actively working on the scrolling issue so hopefully I can get that fixed in a timely manner. Thank you for letting me know how it works on chromium browsers! I love your site's aesthetic, it's dope and super creative!
Thank you! Your site is dope too, I love the illustrations you have on your splash page and navigation pane!
Thank you! That's my sort of 'internet persona', Key. I'm also Key, but I'm the real Key. lol.