Chattable by Xobyte

5,919 updates
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chattable 1 month ago

New Feature: Set custom emojis for your chat in your dashboard

xobyte 1 month ago

The emoji tray is bugged, Neocities servers back at it again. /embed serves the most updated document but now, requesting the same document using it's absolute path (/embed/index.html) now serves an old, cached HTML file which doesn't contain the emoji tray yet. All other resources are up-to-date. Why Neocities? WHY. This may resolve itself with time, already emailed Neocities about server issues!

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xobyte 1 month ago

Update, seems like the cache is like a 48hr, maybe 72hr thing. One link will update automatically, but the other consistently takes a few days before updating. Though I haven't timed it, I have narrowed down this cache window to be 48-72hrs. It's server cache too, on Neocities.. completely out of my control. Until addressed by Kyle, we are all stuck on receiving updates 2-3 days after they're released.

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Last updated 21 hours ago
CreatedOct 27, 2021
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