
970 updates
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Badgersaurus was updated.
2 years ago
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badgersaurus 2 years ago

Went birdwatching today for the annual Big Day thing. Also I started work on the Surfin' (links) page and hope to finish it by next weekend assuming I don't get too swamped with school.

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Badgersaurus was updated.
2 years ago
badgersaurus 2 years ago

just stuck up some new art in the gallery, nothing major.

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inkposting 2 years ago

Yo Bream is awesome!!! She sounds like a super fun character :D I'm glad splat2 has such awesome hawaiian shirts omg

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Badgersaurus was updated.
2 years ago
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Badgersaurus was updated.
2 years ago
badgersaurus 2 years ago

The Aviary section is up now. Birdwatching n' stuff.

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noseclub 2 years ago

Birds good! :D

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Badgersaurus was updated.
2 years ago
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This might be a weird compliment, but your art is like a bouncy ball. Bouncy, round, and fun.
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badgersaurus 2 years ago

That is a great compliment actually, that is exactly the sort-of look and feel I am going for. Thank you so much !!

I ADORE your art!! It's so loose and wild looking.. super rad.
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vartiwellfinger 2 years ago


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Badgersaurus was updated.
2 years ago
badgersaurus 2 years ago

PSYCHONAUTS PAGE IS FINALLY DONE. Also the Arcade button works now.

Sweet website! Cool to see another Parappa fan on here. They're really great games.
hoppingtopping 2 years ago

hi badgersaurus! it's cool to see other parappa fans on this platform, every single one I see makes me more and more willing to keep going and loving. i'm also working on a parappa shrine right now, so i'll probably tell you about it when it's up!

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Badgersaurus was updated.
2 years ago

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Last updated 3 days ago
CreatedMar 15, 2022
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personal art birding punkrock videogames