Tovera Chronicles - Tales of Miracles and Men

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The site has RSS feeds now, so you can sub to them instead of a newsletter or checking every day!! Had no idea Neo supported this feature, how neat! Also the extras page is now the encyclopedia. It includes original worldbuilding but also folklore basics for those not in the loop so that the story can be followed better.
tovera-chronicles 1 year ago

Lastly: Webcomics have a wonky format. Turns out, 7 chapters in webcomic language is like, literally almost 10 years. Hivework's long running comics are JUST now getting to their story's climaxes and twists and that's...whew. So I'd like to treat Tovera like a tradtional manga, with lots of liberties since y'know, I'm one person. We'll see how it goes!

tovera-chronicles 1 year ago

I MEAN, personally, I could watch Luana dilly dally around her home country for 10 years straight before she even hits the shores of the titular kingdom, but the average reader probably wouldn't. Thinking about inking 3-5 pages a chunk and posting them once a week to speed stuff up.

capaxinfiniti 1 year ago

i'm about to bust in with a hot take regarding trad webcomics (esp those published by hiveworks): most of them aren't well plotted if it takes like 5 years IRL to reach the second act, much less the first climax. many of the creators are artist's first and writers second, which isn't always bad since their art is S++, but that doesn't mean they're the best at writing well paced stories (coughavasdemoncough)

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tovera-chronicles 1 year ago

Oh agreed. I also find that with all the time taken, often the worldbuilding still falls flat/truths are revealed with little forsehadowing even when they had years to do it, and this applies to comics I like too. Blindsprings is so well drawn and is right up my alley, but I got confused at a certain twist due to lack of even seeing magic system in action-can't spoil it in case there are readers on here :/

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CreatedJun 11, 2022
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art writing worldbuilding ocs