Oh, thank you! With your site, I’ve really admired your ability to keep to a schedule, finishing games and writing about them with a good amount of depth, so I’m surprised to hear that. Thank you for the kind comment and the follow, though- I really appreciate it!
I think Neocities sometimes just runs in cycles. The quality of your work is still high, I am always amazed by the strange games you buckle down and finish! I don’t feel like views and engagement have a ton of rhyme or reason on here, though.
Unfortunately, a lot of users just... don't read the text on websites. As such, websites with lots of text are sometimes disregarded :/ It's a shame, really. We really love your work.
Thank y'all, I really appreciate it. Just my stupid brain being stupid. It's kinda a similar situation that I've found on other social media.
Actually one of the first GBA games I ever got, but hardly have any memories of it, fond or otherwise. I remember finding Sandy's house really hard at first and then after that level the rest is a blur I'm pretty sure I breezed through without much hassle that didn't stick in my mind
First time playing this I straight up didn't even know you could explore previous levels and that grinding was an option, also only used cyber elves for the final boss. The game was grueling as a result simply because there were major core mechanics I didn't even know were there, second only to Rockman and Forte as the Rockman game I struggled with the most, but it was absolutely a good game frustration aside.
Rented this one a ton as a kid and the level themes started playing through my head again while reading your review ahaha, really hope the other games in the series get translated some day
That’s a really cool review- it’s interesting to think about all the tech from that era that became obsolete so quickly!
I remember finding out these existed after the GBA era, I don't know if they were ever sold in my country. Somehow, I don't think we missed out on much.