The Game Boy Abyss | The Game Boy Abyss

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What's the weirdest GBA you know?
neonaut 1 year ago

Urban Yeti is up there.

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Over the moon about GBA games coming to the Switch online service! To coincide with -roughly- the release of Tears of the Kingdom, Game #40 will be The Minish Cap! New review out Monday AUS time, bringing you Kill.Switch!
what game(s) do you plan to do next? Drill Dozer and the bitGenerations series are pretty interesting, i reccomend that you go check 'em out (unless you're planning on buying it on cart, they a bit pricey)
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thegameboyabyss 1 year ago

I haven't quite planned out too many games - I want to do more notable games for x5 games (35, 45, etc.) whilst x0 (30,40) will be games that are a little more significant to me or a current event. 35 will be Mega Man Zero because that game looks rad, whilst 40 will probably be Zelda: Minish Cap to conincide with Tears of the Kingdoms release. Other then that though, besides next weeks game... I dunno!

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Next review will be out Tuesday the 27th, AEST!
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heckmaster 2 years ago

WarioWare! Love that series, though I never got very good at the original... I feel there was a weird era of GBA games that were focused on minigames and high scores. Very few of them were good AFAIK lmao.

Delaying Game #30 'till next week - COVID is a nasty jerk, blame him.

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Last updated 2 weeks ago
CreatedFeb 11, 2022
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videogames reviews nintendo gaming gameboy