
796 updates
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wow... this website is so cool
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debtdeath 4 months ago

thank you!

heyy, i see your website is mobile friendly! If you dont have 5 tags already, could you add the 'mobilefriendly' tag, it would be helpful for ppl on their phones
saddleblasters 4 months ago

Sure, I just added the tag. I didn't even think about phones when making my website, but I guess with such a simple design it's easy to "accidentally" make a mobile-friendly website.

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saddleblasters 4 months ago

The main reason it looks good on phones is that my friend was complaining a few months ago that the text was hard to read, so I changed the CSS around to make it nicer looking for them.

heyy, i see your website is mobile friendly! If you dont have 5 tags already, could you add the 'mobilefriendly' tag, it would help a ton of ppl on their phones
radpage 4 months ago

Added it now, thanks for the tip!

1 like
i wish there was a dark mode on the neocities website*
i can't reply to ur comment bc it was already a reply but i used this site to compress images:
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scarecat 6 months ago

thanks alot!

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so pretty! also crazy seeing someone still use windows 7 when windows 10 is already being outdated (it was the best though [*])
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angelscake 6 months ago

thank you! also i don't primarily use win7 day 2 day (bc most things don't work there anymore) but i do use it for projects :) it's just my favorite os

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Hey, for the 'best viewed in 90% zoom' you can change initial_scale from 1.0 to 0.9 so the site opens with 90% zoom by default
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elite784 6 months ago

Ah thanks!

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Last updated 13 hours ago
CreatedApr 25, 2022
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programming blog personal mobilefriendly