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i used your awesome new html layout for my about page! It's really awesome, thank you for making it!
cepheus 4 years ago

ah thank you for using it! i love the bit you wrote at the top!

i like your website! where would you recommend looking online for lolita stuff? i love the fashion style but idk where to go ;w;
mermaidgrey 4 years ago

Thanks! ^^ There’s so many places you can go, and if you take your time you can really score a bargain. Websites I recommend: closet child online shop, wunderwelt, lacemarket ( japan yahoo auction and Japanese mercari. There’s also lots of Facebook sales groups. Hope that helps ^^

mermaidgrey 4 years ago

Also, if you like the newer Chinese releases, taobao has tons of stores. To make it easier (though more expensive) you can shop via a reseller like my lolita dress, devil inspired or glitzy wonderland. Those aren’t really my style these days, but I have one or 2 things like that. (All those other places I recommend were for buying older second hand things btw. That’s just my preference.)

mermaidgrey 4 years ago

There’s also Bodyline, which is good for beginners. They have a good starte set for a full coord atm

nice website! It's nice to see another person who joined neocities to fill the void of time that quarantine has caused :pensive: can't wait to see what else you add!
this website kicks ass!! you've definitely got a follow from me >:3c do you have a web button? if so i'll deff put it on my site
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cybersparkle 4 years ago

aaaaa thank you so muchh! ;A; I love your website as well! Yes I do, here you go! I will add yours as well! :)

i like your website! the conlang section is really cool ^^
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your website is really cool! I like your zines ^^
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i really like your website! do you have a button for it? if so i'll totally be adding it to my own site ^^
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galaxydiamond 4 years ago

thank you so much! I am still making a button, but hopefully it's finished soon.

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Last updated 3 months ago
CreatedMar 19, 2020
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