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this website kicks ass!! you've definitely got a follow from me >:3c do you have a web button? if so i'll deff put it on my site
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cybersparkle 3 years ago

aaaaa thank you so muchh! ;A; I love your website as well! Yes I do, here you go! I will add yours as well! :)

i like your website! the conlang section is really cool ^^
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your website is really cool! I like your zines ^^
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i really like your website! do you have a button for it? if so i'll totally be adding it to my own site ^^
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galaxydiamond 3 years ago

thank you so much! I am still making a button, but hopefully it's finished soon.

whoah, this page is awesome! i love the dedication you've put in it. definitely adding your button to my site <3
dann 3 years ago

Thanks so much. I'm wsy behind on link-backs, but I'll get to them shortly.

Demonology page?? Hell yeah can't wait! Also followed :)
hi, i like your website's aesthetic. i read your blog entry and i just wanted you to know if you need to talk to someone about your depression, you can contact me at @rainmirage_art. I have depression + anxiety so i hope i can be of some help to you if you need it. also Blease wear PPE and wash ur hands, if not for yourself, then for other people <3
i really like your website! there's lots to do and see ^^ i'll def be joining one of those neocities discord servers - it's awesome to see there's a huge and active community there!
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Last updated 1 month ago
CreatedMar 19, 2020
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art japanese personal gundam anime