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How does Project Connect work? It seems amazing! :o also your website doesn't function properly over HTTPS.
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project2 8 years ago

project connect uses some server side code, and a big database hosted on openshift. also, what is the issue with the https?

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project2 8 years ago

i think it's fixed now maybe?

joppiesaus 8 years ago

Under the logo, there's "Welcome {{neocities}}!" visible, and when I open the console there's this error: `index.js:12 Mixed Content: The page at '' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure XMLHttpRequest endpoint ''. This request has been blocked; the content must be served over HTTPS. window.onload @ index.js:12`

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joppiesaus 8 years ago

Not completely fixed - in dialog.html, the jquery script is loaded over HTTP and not over HTTPS so the browser blocks it, so it still breaks. Change it from http to https and it will be fixed!

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project2 8 years ago

i've turned the links to https. it should work now!

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joppiesaus 8 years ago

Seems to work now! But how does Project Connect know that you are you and not someone else; is it linked via an IP address?

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project2 8 years ago

currently, it is linked with an ip address. however, in the future, the ip address will be hashed, so it cannot be accessed.

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project2 8 years ago

and the future is now! hopefully.

1 like I feel so welcomed! :D
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so i have one of those button thingies now.
anthonynaber 8 years ago

That's cool. Can you tell me how to do it, I want to get new buttons.

project2 8 years ago

i used gimp to make mine, but you can use any image editor. just be sure you set the size to 88x31.

headache-booth 8 years ago

I'll add your button to my site's footer sometime today or tomorrow.

so ages ago i made a thing called project connect, which didn't work. but now it does. yay!
42 followers?! *insert overused hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy reference here*
yes its middle school
just rewrote the whole collision system, and now it's not as buggy!
1 like
gonna do more with the mario project. stay tuned!

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Last updated 2 years ago
CreatedJul 16, 2016
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programming coding javascript projects