Omg this is so nice T_T Thank you for your kind words!! I love your site as well! It's so peaceful, and your art and photography is gorgeous!! Mind if I add you to my cool sites section?
Also!! Your banner is so cool! I was trying to do something similar with mine (specifically having a water background) but I kept running into issues making the code. Do you mind if I adapt your header code / use it to learn how to add a background like that? If so, I'll credit you, but know there is no pressure!
of course!! you are so kind 🥺... i really appreciate it .. and of course you can you don't have to credit me! if you have any questions or problems let me know and i can try to help you!!
I know some one with that on their web page I could contact them for you
oh cute I didint know you had an aquarium is there any pictures or vids on your website?
awesome I Used to have an aquarium when I was younger I really miss it and before that I had a beta fish that I named nemo he wasant even orange lol
thank you so much!! glad you like it! and same, nyc is my fave place to take pictures
just more graphics... pokemon page is getting kinda crazy now