Numbers Story

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how did you design your map? Like how did you design the continents and stuff? It's really cool :)
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numbersstory 10 months ago

Do you mean "design" as in come up with ideas for the continents, or "design" as in draw the map? The map itself is hand-drawn; the continents were made up over the course of months while planning out unique identities for the countries and thinking how geography could augment those identities (i.e. a natural choke preventing Passane from invading the Western Dominion in Bivve, and then giving them a (1/2)

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numbersstory 10 months ago

central "identity" in worshipping Veles to explain why a bunch of city-states could unify so effectively (i.e. by sharing a foundational culture). Then because of the Veles influence, that inspired how I named a lot of locations and designed the area around it to give them this idea of being the Valley of Veles etc. Presuming you mean the Flameverse maps ofc

numbersstory 10 months ago

I would give a more in-depth reply if you had specifics (and maybe offsite somewhere lol Neocities has a character limit on these things)

technobear 10 months ago

Oh I was just curious about how you designed the shapes haha. But the other details you said were pretty cool to learn about too!

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technobear 10 months ago

As in how you created the shapes of the continents

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numbersstory 10 months ago

Oh! For that I just kind of doodled them :) I made a rough sketch of the entire world map with the vague idea of the size/location of each continent and then stretched and squashed 'em to how close I wanted areas to be to each other!

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technobear 10 months ago

Oh cool thx!

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I've been setting up a new computer the last day and I have discovered that, like, a whole third of my hard drive's space was dedicated to Skyrim and modding it....

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CreatedNov 24, 2022
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worldbuilding fantasy fiction ocs writing