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made 2 links like ur neocities profile button
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arandomsite 2 years ago

1 turns youtube shorts to youtube videos

arandomsite 2 years ago

and the other turns reddit to old reddit

jameso2 2 years ago

Cool! Do you have a link to page/code I can see?

i still use ur neocities profile button :)
1 like
jameso2 2 years ago

Haha, awesome. I use it all the time too.

1 like
Cool OS-like site. I wanna make a page like this eventually.
arandomsite 2 years ago

omg thx so much it means so much to me

I used your neocities profile button to visit ur neocities profile and follow u!
jameso2 2 years ago

Haha, thanks! I haven't been on Neocities in a while, but I'm reworking my whole site right now. I'm glad you got use out of my button.

1 like
i like it
1 like
I really love this simple site desgin! I'm also amazed that the Logo and Title are just simple ASCII art. I never would have thought to use text like to make it look like a fancy image header! Very cool, nice work.
metamorphosis 2 years ago

Thank you so much, I love your website as well. Please keep up the good work. Also your artwork is awesome. I love pixel art!

1 like
jameso2 2 years ago

Hey thanks for the compliments on my art! I'm just seeing this message, as I haven't been on Neocities much. I wish I had unlimited time, I'd spend so much of it just making goofy webpages.

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Last updated 1 year ago
CreatedDec 25, 2020
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art videogames programming internet music