bubbly like soda

471 updates
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ty everyone who let me know the sites out of whack on chrome and mobile! will try to get to fixing it soon <3
sorry for the inactivity lately ;-; a lots been going on
hatsu 5 months ago

not to be rude but your site looks unproportional on google chrome.

1 like
hatsu 5 months ago

rude? wrong word man...

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thank you everyone for the birthday wishes!!! it means so much <3
its my birthday!! :3
wrender 6 months ago

happy birthday !!!!

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seafare 6 months ago

happy birthday! :D

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pumpkin-ninja 6 months ago

Happy day for you ! Enjoy life

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seasorbet 6 months ago

happy birthday! hope its a great one =3

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wonworld 6 months ago

happy bday!!

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tsumugsfish 6 months ago

happy birthday!!

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sekibanki 6 months ago

happy late birthday, hope you had lots of fun!!!!! :DD

1 like
your site is so cute!!! i also love that you love obito <3 he's one of my favourite characters in naruto!!
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bubbly 6 months ago

THANK U SM!! ur site is precious <3 and hes my absolute fav!! obito lovers UNITE!!!!!

this site is the cutest thing ive ever seen omg
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2cherrish 7 months ago

youre so sweet this made me smile when i first saw the notif! thank u sm <3 your website is so cute too!!! :D

thanks for the follow, blue sites stick together :handshake:
visitblueplanet 7 months ago

imagine if there was a webring for all blue sites, that would be so cool

bubbly 7 months ago

blue site supremacy LETS GOOO

1 like
love your site!!! all the graphics look rlly cool together, and the blue is such a nice shade :3
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bubbly 7 months ago

thank you so much!! :D i love ur site too, i love the colors!

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oughhh im a sucker for the light blue! lovely website
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bubbly 7 months ago

thank u so much!

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tysm for the follow!!!! we literally have the same taste in music omg
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bubbly 7 months ago

ofc thank u for the follow back!! and omg its not often i find ppl w the same taste anymore (not since like 2016 LOL)

1 like

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Last updated 2 months ago
CreatedOct 25, 2022
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