Birds and Stars

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bright-eyes 4 years ago

I find the roleplaying communities that are on twitter tend to attract some very toxic people. Don't know much about what goes on in discord, but the fandom I was in got so bad that it's put me off any kind of chat-style/short message rp. Writing fan fiction in my favourite fandoms and running a site is much better for my mental health. People will use just about any excuse to bully someone else and it's worse when

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bright-eyes 4 years ago

people who you think are your friends are the ones doing it, or silently approving others of doing it.

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birdsandstars 4 years ago

I remember you spoke of your own experiences!! It’s really unfortunate and disturbing... we used to be friends, it makes me sad. Oh, well, at least I’ve figured out a way to get out of this mess and things are looking up! (dreamwidth and longer, prose-style rp is much more my style anyway.)

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Last updated 1 week ago
CreatedSep 25, 2019
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childhood nostalgia positive femininity kawaii