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I love your site very much! Kudos!
anipike 7 years ago

Thanks! ^_^

websitering 7 years ago

If you feel sorry for the Koopas in Mario, might I suggest Daisy's Garden? Daisy must find a way around enemies and other obstructions without killing them. The readme, if I remember correctly, even said the game was meant to be a nen-violent alternative to Super Mario! More of a side-view puzzle game than a platformer; in fact Dasiy can't jump at all.

anipike 7 years ago

Thanks for the suggestion. I'll check it out. ^_^

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websitering 7 years ago

Hang in there.

Thank you for following WebSiteRing!
Technically, anipike's homepage is still up, but it hasn't been updated in a long time, and the link to the web directory's broken:
anipike 7 years ago

Yeah, the domain was brought back a while ago, but I don't really understand what's the point if the site won't be updated. It's basically just spending money on hosting fees for something that was abandoned already. Well, it's their money I guess. ^_^

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Last updated 1 year ago
CreatedDec 2, 2014
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