Also, I only understand how Marquees work because of your site. Thank you~
Lots of new blinkies including two for games I love, Dread Delusion and UBERMOSH: WRAITH. Also more the my old newsletters uploaded, a new comp title added to the Project E Aesthetics page, and a new post on the home page (as well as small design changes there) Come on by!
I made a game for Scream Jam 2024~! There's a widget to download (and it includes a link to the actual game page) here on the Art page! Go give it a go~ <3
The game has also been updated just now so that it's playable to the end. XD
Thank you so much! I, obviously, had to go and check out your site as well. Striking immediately. I loved your blog post talking about your feelings being currently unemployed and free to explore art... and the weight that can come with that. I hope you are able to find a balance and a place that feeds your soul as well as... y'know... being able to afford to feed your body. Thanks for following, and thank you for---
I am on a roll making ALL THE BLINKIES.