strata on neocities

1,109 updates
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I'm thinking about making a page where I list all the records I call my own, like owlman has. Would anybody want to see that?
owlman 7 years ago

H*ck yes

jackomix 7 years ago

owlman, heck is supposed to be a censor for hell, why are you censoring the censor?

owlman 7 years ago

Because I'm a good boy

1 like
Shht, there's a post about me randomly finding nice people on Telegram on the front page!
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sonderling 7 years ago

Ich höre auch ziemlich gerne Nine Inch Nails, kann aber ansonsten vermutlich nicht mit tiefgreifendem Musikalischen Wissen punkten... ~

strata 7 years ago

Reicht für ein paar Sympathiepunkte. ~

Sheesh, I never noticed that Furry article was already online.
I'm playing Miitopia and I defeated a mole and got Strata Sundae... sorry guys i never knew strata was a mole!
strata 7 years ago

oh no, you discovered my real identity!

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jackomix 7 years ago

Does that mean I killed strata!? D:

strata 7 years ago

I don't hope so.

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The flag has been made! (check footer)
strata 7 years ago

niiiice! is that Silkscreen?

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jackomix 7 years ago

I believe so.

arkmsworld 7 years ago

Yep. Things change most dramatically often when you aren't expecting it at all. Happy for you. :)

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Guess who accidentally deleted his site generator script with git. Fuck me.
strata 7 years ago

Back to handmade static html for now :/

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strata 7 years ago

I hate Americans.

owlman 7 years ago

Americans are some of the worst people on Earth

owlman 7 years ago

uh... apart from you, I guess [Also check your Twitter DM]

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websitering 7 years ago

North or South Americans?

strata 7 years ago

NA, obviously.

owlman 7 years ago

North America

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arkmsworld 7 years ago

I think I... might...really...LIKE that apartment. LOL

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vas 7 years ago

I think it'll look nice if it's redecorated a bit. Or I should say, dedecorated.

strata 7 years ago

That's what I think, but you really need to redo these ugly walls too.

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Last updated 2 years ago
CreatedNov 23, 2016
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