strata on neocities

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Glad this isn't the 90s. I would need two floppies for my website!
goodmode 6 years ago

a little over 1 floppy disk got apollo to the moon and back!! it is crazy how technology has evolved that a personal site is bigger than a moon mission. i love that!!!

strata 6 years ago

@goodmode - yes! It's probably because of the graphics and assets.

joppiesaus 6 years ago

what hahahahahah that ted turner and mr. dying tortoise article lmao

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Would somebody be interested in an AmA similar to Owlman's?
owlman 6 years ago

I think that would be a good idea, after all, it does get you involved more in the community

strata 6 years ago

ain't I already involved?

owlman 6 years ago

More involved then

Whoa, I'd have never thought you were Greek! I love your country, but that's spoken from a tourist viewpoint obviously.
vas 6 years ago

It's quite alright when we aren't busy fucking it up. But yeah, most people think I'm from the Anglosphere because of the way I write.

strata 6 years ago

hαhα, ψεα. And I'm jealous of the amount of sun you get.

vas 6 years ago

Psi is pronounced as in "u(PS)ide". It's nowhere near /j/, which is what it sounds in English. So a "φαμιλψ" tattoo reads "fahmeelps" instead of "family". Just a pro tip ;)

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strata 6 years ago

Haha, well that's funny. To my defense, I already somewhat assumed it to be a shitty choice of letters and wanted to demonstrate a maximum of ignorance!

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vas 6 years ago

Mach dir keine Sorgen, Herr Obergruppenführer Strata, zwei können das Spiel spielen. 卐🤔🍆💦😏 (I couldn't resist)

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strata 6 years ago

Das hat mich jetzt doch ein wenig überrascht, Genosse Vas. ☭ (me neither)

owlman 6 years ago

Is that a new favicon I see?

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joppiesaus 6 years ago

The demands of the seller are ridiculous!! that 60 year old dude seems nice, seems like he's been through some stuff...

strata 6 years ago

Don't know, he was pretty chill actually.

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joppiesaus 6 years ago

also what if the laundry jerk wasn't a jerk and he didn't notice the machine was dusty and he comes back and thinks "some jerk adjusted the temperature!"

strata 6 years ago

Fine with that!

flaum 6 years ago

do you find the directory browser useful? i've played around with so many vim plugins, but i always end up removing them because i never use them. all i have is a solarized color scheme, airline, and git-gutter.

strata 6 years ago

It's quite cool, but I still need some time to learn the keys and evaluate it.

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CreatedNov 23, 2016
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