Future Perfect

739 updates
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Having some problems with browsers caching my site and updates not actually being visible by the user. Is my latest update (24 MAR 2019) visible in the changelog?
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itzrex 5 years ago

Yeah it is. It seems this is a standard behavior. Reloading via ctrl+f5 fixes cache issues for me.

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Oh man, you love Disney World too?? Awesome :)
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futureperfect 5 years ago

Oh yeah, it's the best. What's your favorite park or ride?

runawayfive 5 years ago

Dang that's tough, I really like it all. Magic Kingdom and Animal Kingdom are amazing, and Epcot is a close third. How about you?

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futureperfect 5 years ago

I'd say Epcot just for the fact that you get some cool rides and all the amazing food/cultural stuff all in one place. Magic Kingdom will always be a contender for that number one spot, though.

Got the redesign launched. Check it out!
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Thank god it’s Friday. I plan on adding some more original music this weekend. Busy, though. So, we’ll see...

Website Stats

Last updated 7 months ago
CreatedFeb 19, 2019
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personal blog music design