Future Perfect

739 updates
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The rebranding and relaunch is complete!
Very close to finishing up the new site. I'm not sure that any of you care, but I'm excited to get back to being more active on Neocities again.
yudosai 4 years ago

well you're definitely on time!

1 like
Love the music! Do you use garageband?
futureperfect 4 years ago

@yudosai Thank you!! Yes, I use Garageband. Some have been recorded with me legitimately playing the drums and others with programmed drums by me.

Rebranding the site with a new name/sub domain soon (next two weeks?). Building the bones and hope to have content available to plug in soon. Life is busy, but I haven't abandoned the site.
Just got back from a vacation to Disney World. No new music or ideas for content, so I may just refresh the layout soon. Did anybody see Avengers: Endgame? Incredible movie.
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anipike 5 years ago

I guess it's rather difficult to organise something like this when people live on very different time zones around the world. I'd love to help advertise if you ever have one of these again.

futureperfect 5 years ago

@anipike very true. I also didn't give a ton of time for word to spread. I need to follow more sites so others see the update. Thanks for the support!

1 like
upallnight 5 years ago

I’ve had trouble organizing chats on my page, too. People have their communication routines set and it’s hard to do something outside of that.

Reminder that the neocities group chat is tomorrow at 7:00pm EST. Hope some of you can drop in and have real time chat.
Added a new project called Nchat. Chat room for neocities members. If it gains any popularity I will do more with it. Check it out!
futureperfect 5 years ago

Also, help spread the word!


Website Stats

Last updated 4 months ago
CreatedFeb 19, 2019
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personal blog music design