Future Perfect

739 updates
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Thought I’d pop in for a second. Trevlig helg!
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Happy new year, everyone. Trying to find the motivation to update. Stay loose.
futureperfect 7 months ago

Not exaaaactly December yet, but I'll have no time to push the update tomorrow. So, here it is.

paintkiller 7 months ago

Another classy on theme update, looking killer!

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New winter theme is ready for launch. Going to wait until December to update it, because I do love my current theme so much.
paintkiller 8 months ago

Recent blog post resonates heavily with me, especially since getting into therapy and really looking at some of these things.

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I listened to your album The Dreamer whilst working, it's so chill 🎶🥰
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futureperfect 8 months ago

Thank you so much! I appreciate the feedback!

paintkiller 8 months ago

LOVE the fall theme with the leaves and cleanup crew! Best wishes for a good gig!

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futureperfect 8 months ago

@paint - thank you!

enflicted 8 months ago

dude, i love the theme, and the clean up screw it's so awesome! Good luck on your gig!

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enflicted 8 months ago

well look at that, my keyboard added an S to crew, it's either a cleaning crew, or a crew cleaning up screws.

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futureperfect 8 months ago

@enflicted - hahah thanks, man!

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Last updated 7 months ago
CreatedFeb 19, 2019
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personal blog music design