
3,026 updates
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ok cool! I'll whip something up. Also thanks for the compliment!! Do you want me to stick to the 88x31?
dreamcult 4 years ago

if you can, yeah, it make it easier. but if you go over a little bit it's fine

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egg450maxxx 4 years ago

ok! There's buttons on my contact page now, . Both are 88x31

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dreamcult 4 years ago

nice, added!

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do you have a button i could share on my site?
egg450maxxx 4 years ago

I don't, but I guess I could make something! from what I've seen I know they're usually rectangles w the website name on em, but... could i just make u a random gif? lol

dreamcult 4 years ago

sure you could make a random gif, i just wanna link your site on mine, because i really like it :) only thing to consider i'd say is that most are 88x31 px or something close so to that so they can stack neatly with others

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ok ok that iiiiis a sick 404 page
happyhardcore 4 years ago

YES... making and visiting a neocities site is like going in to the matrix

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1 like
shit thank u for the recs...also 2005 was a good time for weird good games I think, so totally fine that its a low budget old thing. Anything for a good story tbh. Thanks again!!
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1. your website is sick 2. I can't believe I've never heard of Pathologic and now I really wanna play/watch it because it looks SICK!!!!!!!!!
kayleemayhem 4 years ago

thank you!!! YES!!! definitely play it...classic is very very cheap and its a complete game, but its also 15 years old and made on a budget lol, its still a phenomenal story though. patho 2 is much newer and prettier, + from what ive heard its better gameplay wise too. buut its more expensive and only haruspex's route is out :( you can watch it if you dont want 2 play it :) sulmatul(?) has great letsplays of both

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this is sick!!! all the books on the shelves!!! god dang i love miniatures
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CreatedMay 31, 2019
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