
3,026 updates
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yo where's that bulletin of stuff you';ve found on the ground....!!! interested party (me)
might fuck around and make... another website.... and stop adding to this one... lmfao
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i love!!!!!! this website!!!!!!1
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Aaaaaaanyway, I still wanna do that collab website i talked about, but im still trying to figure out exactly how it'd work.... but i think i'll start making one of the pages this month and see what happens
finally finished applying to schools....... that took much more energy out of me than it should have
encounters-ltd 3 years ago

nice! i hope u get a good one

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ok so....... I've been wanting to collab on a string of websites with other ppl to make a sort of... environment? like, for example, one website will be a feaux myspace page and u can click on something that takes you to another website where there's a map, and then clicking on part of the map will take you to someone's house... etc
egg450maxxx 3 years ago

I'd rather ppl get a look at what I already have gathered and then send me something or make something based off of any ideas they get from it, but im open to whatever.

egg450maxxx 3 years ago

anyway, not starting this project up quite yet but plz lmk if you'd wanna contribute! It's mostly for fun and to share stuff w other ppl.

plasticdino 3 years ago

This idea kind of reminds me of a japanese site I found the other day called, idk if this is the kind of thing you were thinking of but it’s cool. Also, I’d be down to contribute something!

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egg450maxxx 3 years ago

Holy shit that website is so cool!!!! Also yeah thats definitely along the lines of what I'm thinking. I'd love for u to contribute stuff!!!

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kaliergi 3 years ago

hum this actually would help me a lot

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egg450maxxx 2 years ago

If i comment on this will it pop up on my activity? This is a test......

Woah i love ur site!!! u got some good-ass links my dude!!!! (also love ur art)
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plasticdino 3 years ago

wow thank you so much!! this means a lot because I think your art is extremely sick

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egg450maxxx 3 years ago

aw shucks lol.... thank you!!!

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egg450maxxx 3 years ago

i feel like we r both very collage-y kind of ppl... yknow... yeah... lol

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only did a quick pass through but all that I saw looks p cool!!
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CreatedMay 31, 2019
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