and furthermore...

7,920 updates
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blog page is online again! i think i'm switching my tactics coding from DIRECTLY in the neocities editor to intellij...
Hello! I just read and heard some of your writing and I wanted to tell you that i absolutely loved it! Especially your slam poems really hit me (in a very positive way)! Have a good day (:
thedigitaldiarist 2 years ago

thank you very much! nice to hear my words had an impact :)

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1 like
Hi! I wanted to tell you that the idea of a storytelling website like yours is super cool! I love it, the illustrations and the little texts!! Have a good day (:
Hallo!! Bin mal wieder die Kreativabteilung "Schreiben" bei dir im Blog durchgegangen und muss dir sagen, dass ich deine Gedichte besonders gerne mag! Sie haben immer so einen schönen Klang. Mach weiter so!!!
brennholz 2 years ago

Mensch, Danke! :) Ich warte schon gespannt darauf, mal eine der längeren Geschichten, die du auf deiner Seite anteased, zu lesen.

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Hello! I think your website is really cool (: especially your section about words! Have a good day :D
1 like
voyager 2 years ago

thank you very much!! ;-; a very sweet comment to receive!

Hello! I wanted to tell you that your site looks absolutely awesome! Very cool layout and great artworks!!!
freakphone 2 years ago

thank you sm!! ^_^

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wow congrats, i did the thing i have been putting off for ... *checks watch* two months! finally building a functioning and well looking linkies page oh my!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Last updated 1 month ago
CreatedApr 18, 2022
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theatre mathmatics biology chemistry poetry