Dead Winter's Night (Formally Bright Eyes)

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Today, I have been sorting out my urban fantasy books so that I can actually find them to read them, and cleaning the hallway which is one of the things I can do now that the temperatures are better for working in there. Found most of the Kelley Armstrong books. Most of the Jim Butcher, Patricia Briggs and Carrie Vaughn have been found. (For some reason, one of the Patricia Briggs books I've bought twice without
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bright-eyes 3 years ago

realising. It's probably because the books haven't been displayed/organised properly for ages so I didn't know that I had it already. Plus, almost every book published in the past 10 years seems to have a generic book cover and they no longer stand out from each other. When charity shops are open again, I'm going to have a clear out of things I don't want any more, duplicates, etc, etc, etc...

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bright-eyes 3 years ago

Small Favor is still missing in action, though...

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bright-eyes 3 years ago

However, all the Tolkien books are staying.

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Do you ever feel like sometimes that you are too wordy with things?
So I've become my own biological science experiment. Not sure if that's a good thing, or not...
bright-eyes 3 years ago

I'd really to know what doctors expect you to do when normal food messes up with your blood sugars. Starve? Get morbidly obese by lard, fried chicken and kebabs?

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I hid a Star Wars facebook group I am in because I got tired of people posting messages complaining about something. Today, the group popped up on my TL again and the message was, you get it, someone complaining about something. So it's hidden again...
I don't like discord as an application. I find it very distracting with it pinging all the time (and I don't like posting in it very much anyway. Chat style stuff reminds me too much of twitter.
koshka 3 years ago

Discord is a proprietary spyware program. I highly recommend using IRC as an alternative instead.

bright-eyes 3 years ago

I don't have it installed. I did once, but found it told people when I was online, and what games I was playing, which freaked me out. I don't like people knowing what I am doing. It's none of their business. I don't like their audio message feature, either, but some forums use it for sending messages instead of using the forum for such things. Personally, I wish everything was done via the forum alone.

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koshka 3 years ago

I agree with your sentiments and wish that more people shared them. It's disturbing how little people care about privacy anymore. Big technology is the equivalent of a peeping tom hiding in someone's bushes and reporting on everything they say and do.

bright-eyes 3 years ago

I think people like it because it's convenient and trendy, and gives the impression that they are being sociable by sharing everything they do. Sites like Facebook seem to have replaced traditional socialising for some people. (Though introverted people are probably also attracted to it because they find it difficult to socialise in person, especially if they are in large groups. But you still have to be careful.

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Put up a new bookcase today. Hopefully, it will be the home of my urban fantasy books, and then I can read through them properly and keep them organised. One reason I don't read as much as I used to is that my books were never sorted out properly when we moved in here. (Place is small, and still needs a lot of decorating as it didn't look like it had been done properly since the '70's, given the awful yellowing on
bright-eyes 3 years ago

the doors and the woodchip wallpaper. That needs to be sorted before anything can be done properly. Shelves need putting up in a cupboard for it to be really useable.) It's an annoyance that I can find what I want a lot of the time.

That instagram app I was using on my computer hasn't worked properly for months, so no updates on it. Apparently, there is one you can download from the microsoft store, so I'll see if that works.
See, if you're arthritic (or have some other condition that causes fatigue, extreme tiredness or pain, or leaves you out of breath/makes your heart rate spike) and don't run a marathon everyday or do something else that is physically difficult, then you're lazy. If you can do an activity like sewing without getting fatigued or leaving you in pain, it's too hard for you...
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birdsandstars 3 years ago

I’m sorry... people are every harsh and judgmental. I spent a lot of time lying down the first year or two after my knee injury, I walk more now and it’s good for arthritis! But you have to take things easy, nice and slow, and always listen to your body. Pain is a message.

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bright-eyes 3 years ago

The problem I find is that a lot of health professionals assume that there are certain medical conditions are caused by being over-weight. Excess weight doesn't help the condition but it's not necessarily the cause of the condition - sometimes the condition causes the weight gain. They also don't live with the condition so they don't know how everything about how it effects you.

koshka 3 years ago

The vast majority of people only have "empathy" for people exactly like them. As an autistic person, I've had a first-hand view of that. People refuse to believe that others can be disturbed by or have difficulty with things that they don't, and start finding ulterior motives to explain behaviour.

I find it irritating when people patronise medical conditions. Today, got one of my cross stitch mags and there's an article in there about aids for people with medical conditions. Folks, due to being ill, Cross Stitch and sewing are one of the few things which I /can/ do which I could do before I became ill that doesn't wipe me out for a week.
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I think it is safe to say spring is officially here. It's warmer in the day and it's quite noticeably lighter earlier in the morning. I really should do some site updates, but I've been busy with things. It just doesn't seem to have the same importance to me that it once had.

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CreatedApr 6, 2019
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