Dead Winter's Night (Formally Bright Eyes)

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Another gloomy day.
What a miserable day today is weather wise...
Amazon is so off with book recommendations right now.
Got quite a few things done today. Got the halloween lights up and been doing some crafting.
Feel crap today. Felt crap yesterday....
You can guarantee that when you get a book on dinosaurs, about half the creatures in it aren't dinosuars...
More Halloween crafting on this rather drab and gloomy October day.
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Another morning spent in the garden tidying it up and an afternoon of Halloween decorating. I go for cute and pagan Halloween, rather than the awful blood and gore aesthetic.
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Today I did some artwork. Not done any for a while and I'm that brilliant at it - I just do it to lift my mood.

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Last updated 3 days ago
CreatedApr 6, 2019
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