Dead Winter's Night (Formally Bright Eyes)

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Re reviewing books: You make a good point. I don’t bother just trying to review new books. There are too many books to read over a long period so I just read whatever I feel like. Then if anyone else is interested, that’s great
nohappynonsense 3 years ago

Read book >> Review for RP >> ??? >> Profit!

bright-eyes 3 years ago

I'd rather people read what they enjoy, rather than feel like they are forced to read or because it's seen as popular.

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Tomorrow, I'll be going into town for the first time since Misty died last August. Wish we still had her.
I found my copy of Stephan King's Cycle of the Werewolf today. Don't normally read his books. Tried to get into The Shining once but found it boring. Film is better..
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koshka 3 years ago

You're missing out IMO. The book scared the wits out of me as a child, while the movie was just meh like most Stephen King movie adaptations.

bright-eyes 3 years ago

I just didn't like it. The passages where Jack spent ages reading newspaper clippings on the history of the hotel were too long and over-written. They slowed down the plot of the book too much for me. Sometimes books can just have too much waffle in them.

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I wish I had the money and means to be on my own for a couple of weeks.
I've also added a page for the Iron Druid Chronicles. I had the first book in the series in the cupboard - needs reading, but I didn't feel right adding a page for the series until I'd found the book. Hopefully, it is a good series. I've also done a page for Felix Castor, which I've not done until now.
Why can't Amazon have the actual blurb for books on the book's page instead of meaningless comparisons to other authors in the same genre?
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I've managed to find most of the books now, but I seem to be missing Kitty's Greatest Hits and Otherworld Secrets (I am sure that I have those books...)
Day two of sorting books out - Found Small Favor (yay!) but also found an old diabetes recipe book which I bought quite a while ago. (From a discount shop.) One problem with it - it doesn't say how many people each recipe feeds and the amounts of pasta, rice, etc in the meals are for 4 or more people if you look up the same amount in other recipes from other books (which are non-diabetic ones, I might add.) With this
bright-eyes 3 years ago

monumental error, you can see why people are so confused about what they should and shouldn't eat with diabetes and how there is a lot of misinformation out there. It was also published by Diabetes UK, too, so they should have been more stringent with editing it. It's as though they got a bunch of recipes from somewhere and just stuck it in the book with no thought put behind it.

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