Dead Winter's Night (Formally Bright Eyes)

4,415 updates
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Finally got an image editing program that has the things I need. Should be able to do some work on the site tomorrow.
I was hoping to get some work done on the site today, but nope... (Yep, there was some updates, but not as much as I wanted...) I'm so sick of my internet connection being shit. Can't even edit pictures now for the site, it seems. BT, you suck and don't deserve the money we pay for services which you don't actually provide.
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I will try to update the site sometime soon. I've been having a number of problems with the computer which have needed sorting out and so have not had time to work on it (among other things.) I'm fed up of not being able to do 'normal' things because of the pandemic. Hope it ends soon, but selfish idiots seem to think that it's more important to do what they want than making sure people are safe.
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Another gloomy day.
What a miserable day today is weather wise...
Amazon is so off with book recommendations right now.

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Last updated 5 days ago
CreatedApr 6, 2019
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