Birds and Stars

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I saw a webpage with so many fast-moving objects and such bright backgrounds, my right eye hurt and my guts convulsed?! I'm kind of amused, horrified, aaaand bringing the backlight down on my screen, thanks. I get that it's an aesthetic for some people, but please don't make that your index page, have a splash page with a warning it's not friendly for photosensitive and epileptic individuals, please!
birdsandstars 2 months ago

It triggered my photosensitivity even though I haven't had any sort of seizure at all since I was a kid. It could've been far worse for an epileptic individual who has painful seizures from fast/flickering/bright or high contrast images and moving patterns.

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birdsandstars 2 months ago

(I had painless absence seizures or petit mal seizures, they just kinda made me forget everything and lie kind of limply there while everything seemed too bright to focus and the sounds felt distant and muddled. My photosensitivity now is restricted to just a pain behind my eyes like a small concentrated headache.

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nijigyaru 2 months ago

Sorry about that!! :( as a fellow photosensitive person I too wish people would be more conscientious and put warnings

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soulbox 2 months ago

I have a history of seizures too. Petit Mals but nowadays it's "migralepsy". Might be photosenstive, I don't do well with a lot of fast moving and super bright anything.

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soulbox 2 months ago

I use orange light or the "night light" setting in my computer. But sometimes yeah you just have to avoid things.

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y2kstardust 2 months ago

Someone mentioned a nightlight setting, I also have dark reader on by default for every new site I visit. (Not epileptic but sensory issues on my part) Is there a way to check if a splash page is too bright? ;o; Or is it a specific combo of bright + fast moving? (my splash page has no gifs for this reason!)

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birdsandstars 1 week ago

Yeah, I think most of us surf the internet with our screens' brightness turned down and/or using things like f.lux to to make the ones warmer, but it doesn't help as much when people have flashing lights and fast moving gifs that are very high contrast. You can google what causes issues for most photosensitive folks. ^^ But just a pale page on its own usually isn't a problem...

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CreatedSep 25, 2019
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childhood nostalgia positive femininity kawaii