
5,775 updates
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Revived as an archive. /in.html to navigate. Enjoyyyy
Revived as an archive. /in.html for navigation. Enjoyy
I don't make art anymore for this website. It has been revived as an archive and testament to my weirdness. /in leads to all archived art and pages. Enjoyy :)
I don't make art anymore. This site has been revived as an archive: <- this link leads to all archived art and pages. Enjoyy :)
My site is archived for my art, but no longer active. If youve visited the pages before, you can likely visit them again, they will remain unchanged. Ive moved to a different neocities :P catch ya there, if you recognize me again<3
your art is wonderful and i love your website. super cool
Updated the navigation bar (AGAIN!!!)- re-did some pages here and there, painfully made some ok for mobile-users. No new art suck it nerdssz
Updated the navigation bar (again), yeah still a mess, really wanna re-do the entire thing (AGAIN) ahaha :( Uploaded some art

Website Stats

Last updated 6 months ago
CreatedMar 17, 2019
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