Celebrating forty-eight, fifty-one, fifty-four, fifty-seven, sixty, sixty-three, sixty-six and over sixty-nine thousand views, as well as 36 and over 39 followers, together with you.
Ending my hiatus with another page where I whine a ton. I'll be doing lots of that until the end of the year.
Ooo that sounds rough...If it is any consolation though, your presence here was missed.
Worked so many hours so many days in a row my body couldn't take it and now I'm at home sick, so hey one week vacation!
As I stand here, in this very ring, with 40º of fever (Celsius, for the unitedstatesians in the audience) and muscle pain, I can't help but feel like pagespages comment is both unintentionally extremely rude and ringing clear with poetic justice.
No worries, I got it, but the unintended vagueness of the statement made your comment funny in context.
In memoriam Kazuhisa's site. I tried to contact the pagemaster to no avail. I have a feeling I know why he brought it down.
See ya later, alligator! idk if you saw this, but it looks like I was probably the last person who was in touch with Kazuhisa https://lhfm.neocities.org/filezz/kazuhisa.png
That's an interesting observation about stopping half way in something you're obsessed with. Often at a certain point (and I can be doing well) I can feel overwhelmed, and this halts my progress.
Original prophecies do not steal. I'm not oblivious to the tragic humor in publishing this page right after the palantír page. It's a taste of things to come in the "Social Media" section.
I haven't really watched vtubers since I watched Kizuna AI back when she was blowing up in 2017, so I'm not in the know and can't exactly disagree with your prophecy, but I think you're underestimating the relatively high insularity of the Japanese sphere and the very long tail of otaku weirdness that keeps it so.
So basically you're describing a specific case of US-centered cultural homogenization... Sad story.
@lhfm good point, but passion can only go so far. If artificial restrictions are set, entire niches are bound to disappear. The so-called insularity, the "Galapagos effect", is something that from what I gather is being phased out. Or at least I don't see its praises as often as back in the 00s. At the very least, I see fertile ground for an east-west schism (and many entities, on both sides, willing to sow). _IMO_.
@saint-images pretty much, and what a story, Mark! It's bound to happen to japanese niche media, as it happened everywhere else in the world. But I have hope that it can be somewhat contained. _IMO_.
Impact and comic sans. If you're looking to make a point, these are the only fonts you'll ever need.
Every mark with a webpage does one of these, so why can't I?