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surenaga 4 years ago

Quick reminder you could beat me up irl before I start publishing some polarizing stuff.

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letslearntogether 4 years ago

Playing piano should not cause tension in the forearm. It is the weight of your arm dropping onto the keys that presses them down, not a push from your muscles. (Example: ) Keep the hand rounded as it falls so that the weight of the arm can be transferred into the keys. (Example: ).

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letslearntogether 4 years ago

You might have to vary it a little for it to be the most comfortable for you. In general, the less tension or stress on any part of the body (i.e.: fingers, wrist, elbow, shoulder, etc.), the better.

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surenaga 4 years ago

Thank you for the input, letslearntogether. My playing posture certainly needs work (it used to be even worse) and I confess myself a recovering hyper-purist who tries not to use internet info too much, which has caused me more harm than good in the past. These videos will certainly be useful.

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surenaga 4 years ago

HOWEVER, I think there's a miscommunication. The kind of pain I was feeling wasn't the strain/tendonitis/carpal tunnel kind. It was the kind you feel the day after a good workout. It's hard to communicate exactly what I mean but I always had very thin wrists and forearms which are most likely the result of underdeveloped musculature.

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surenaga 4 years ago

In my case, the strain type of pain would always manifest itself on my fingers and back of my hand. Can you believe I "mastered" Hanon's first exercises and only realized one plays with their fingers resting on top of the keys after watching a video of someone doing it on youtube?

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surenaga 4 years ago

...All this talk about muscle strain is making me paranoid!

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letslearntogether 4 years ago

Yes, I figured that you already knew. I just wanted to put it out there in case anyone was curious. I too have a lack of forearm musculature. I think there is hope for us both though...I had once read that Listz was a sickly young man, but could still play piano for hours because he learned how to thoroughly relax his body as he played.

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letslearntogether 4 years ago

...Haha! I wouldn't worry about it too much. I'm sure you'll be fine.

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surenaga 4 years ago

Celebrating 3000 views -- half of those are me checking my own site to laugh at my own jokes.

surenaga 4 years ago

Attempting to understand to aru majutsu no index season 2 episode 20 without subtitles to commemorate learning 500 kanji will haunt me forever.

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lhfm 4 years ago

Congrats for knocking on the door of japanese fluency

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surenaga 4 years ago

Thank you, lhfm. It's frustrating because it happens so randomly. One day I'll understand an episode of something like Akagi, then draw a blank at something as simple as machikado mazoku. I'm reminded of about (tangentially) language mastering requirements. Reading is close to mastered, but inconsistency has led me to chickening out of every other parameter.

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Really cool website. I appreciate the fake tab thingie. Lord knows how much time I used to spend making the perfect fake tab, counting pixels and picking the right font in paint. Also, thank you for the tips on website updates.
a-rok 4 years ago

Thanks man! I'm glad you could find use in the Fake Tab toy, and my update tips. Your website rules too.

It seems like a-rok's guess about updated pages is correct. Now to figure out how to actually make them show the fully updated page -- something that's affecting my index page profile thumbnail as well...
surenaga 4 years ago

... It updated on its own.

letslearntogether 4 years ago

So true. I stopped gaming for the most part back at the tail end of the Gamecube, PS2, and X-Box era. The handful of things that I have played since have been on the computer. If I do seek out games now, they have a tendency to be orientated more towards education. For example, the last two things that I got off of Steam were "Influent" (a language learning game) and "ElectricVLab" (an electronic circuit simulator).

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surenaga 4 years ago

I never truly stopped gaming. I still play videogames, it's just that the games I play are for the most part at least a decade old. Haha, I wonder if Anki would count as a game.

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letslearntogether 4 years ago

Oh yes, retro and indie games will always hold a special place in my heart...I suppose it depends on how much fun you have during your reviews as to whether or not Anki should be considered a game. Haha!

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Still struggling to figure out how to make the relevant page show up as the biggest whenever I update the site.
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a-rok 4 years ago

I haven't tried to figure it out myself, but if I had to take a guess, it's probably either the first page you edit for the day (24-hour period to be exact), or the last page. If all else fails, you can just make a comment on the auto-post pointing out what you've changed, or make a standalone post with that info.

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a-rok 4 years ago

By examining my recent update, it seems that the biggest screenshot belongs to the last page that has been newly marked as "edited" in the 24-hour period. For example, if I make a change to cool.html, then make a change to sick.html, then a change to neat.html, then another change to cool.html, it'll be neat.html that appears the largest. Hopefully this helps.

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letslearntogether 4 years ago

While I have neither watched nor read fate/zero, your analysis is absolutely fascinating. Humility is often mistaken for weakness, when in fact it is one of our greatest strengths, for it allows us to learn from everyone. The dichotomy between "self" and "other" is obliterated when All are truly equal, when All are ONE. This is exemplified by just about every spiritual teaching in some way...

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surenaga 4 years ago

Thank you for the undeserved praise. I'm not someone that's very knowleadgeable of spirituality, I'm simply tired of cynical media. Fate/Zero is the equivalent of the philosophy 101 student trying to convince other people that war is good actually. Yang Wenli has a few things to say about that. Which reminds me I'll need to write an article on LoGH at some point...

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letslearntogether 4 years ago


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surenaga 4 years ago


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