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surenaga 3 years ago

Celebrating over eighteen thousand views and 24 followers. No-one ever told me being famous came with so many responsibilities!

Would anyone be so kind as to direct me to a y〇〇tube alternative that allows uploaders to add multiple caption versions the viewer can choose from, as well as allowing uploaders to choose location and orientation of captions (i.e. vertical text to the left or right border of the video)?
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surenaga 3 years ago

One like, but no replies...

Celebrating fifteen thousand views. 8 in 10 web crawlers agree: 唯一のSURENAGA is a webpage worth visiting!
surenaga 3 years ago

My dear followers didn't even FLINCH at that late night shallow post dripping with self-pity. Have high school memories of an average high school boy become novel? Is it high time for a Dawson's Creek remake?!

1 like
surenaga 3 years ago

On webpage-related news, I might get back to posting the real good stuff by mid june if I manage to wrap things up properly in the next couple of weeks. I haven't stopped writing, but editing is time-consuming. Look forward to it.

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surenaga 3 years ago

"(...) experts concluded スレナガ never had brunch in his life, rejected the advances of more women than you've had intercourse with, which is incidentally more women than スレナガ had intercourse with, and died alone."

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holeinmyheart 3 years ago

I too am holding down the not growing up fort in my corner of the world

surenaga 3 years ago

What is 「growing up」?

surenaga 3 years ago

Celebrating twelve thousand views (what) and over 20 followers (how). Everyone agrees: スレナガ is a big deal. Hence, I now have contact information. If I have time in my busy schedule, I'll ask my PR agent to read my inbox.

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Beware that the buttons leading to other sections of your webpage don't seem to be working. I turned off as many javascript blockers as I have, but it keeps me stuck at home.html. However, I can reach all sections if I change the url manually to "about.html", etc. I'm reluctant to post this as no-one else is complaining, but you should know at least one person has a browsing issue. Beautiful site nonetheless.
cheru 3 years ago

Hi there, thanks for the heads up, and thank you for the compliment! There are actually quite a few dead links around the site which I admittedly haven't fixed since I put up my site's latest theme. I will definitely get around to fixing those now that I have my new laptop. Thank you for visiting!

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surenaga 3 years ago

A triumphant return to preaching to the choir, just in time for another webpage milestone.

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lhfm 3 years ago

Cool post, but why do you think XKCD is the root of all evil on the internet? It's a pretty good webcomic...

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saint-images 3 years ago

An interesting perspective. It's hard to put in words, but this way of buying games enables a more "analogue" approach (honestly it's hard to explain, it's an abstract concept that's been in my head for a while, but I can't make it more concrete), which is definitely a good thing.

surenaga 3 years ago

lhfm, there are many convoluted reasons for me to have that opinion, warranting a page of its own. I'm trying to strike a balance between positive/neutral (like this -- I'm trying!)/negative content, so it'll have to wait. saint-images, I get what you're saying. Me, I'd define it as a more "personal" approach.

letslearntogether 3 years ago

Good advice. The choir says "Amen!" Haha!

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when your fingers recover your danmaku skills are gonna level up (that's how it works)
surenaga 3 years ago

It's STILL not 100%. Maybe (just maybe) I should get an x-ray.

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surenaga 3 years ago

I was going to write something very elaborate but my current condition reminded pictures are worth a thousand words, and that not everything needs to be serious.

surenaga 3 years ago

My fingers BETTER not be broken!

Celebrating nine thousand views and fifteen followers. Luxurious parties and lavish gifts flowing from magnificent ballrooms as a showing of my acquired power and influence and not because I'm desperate for your approval.
surenaga 3 years ago

I went from updating my webpage too frequently to not at all due to an incapacitated hand (fingers, really) and some pressing matters that require my full attention, forcing me to interrupt all non-essential activities. 「Please, understand.」

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letslearntogether 3 years ago

Haha! Can't wait for the luxurious parties...Seriously though, I hope everything is alright! May your fingers have a speedy recovery.

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