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surenaga 10 months ago

There's not really much to talk about in these two exercises, but they're there and they serve a purpose.

bmh 10 months ago

"grinding is the key to the door of mastery." I like the phrase but poor technique or bad habits can hinder progress down the line; watch out for those and be sure to address them rather than prioritising progress through the book. That's my advice anyway.

>watayuri.html I'm glad to see that you like WataYuri. Since I've been a fan of the original manga series on Yuri Hime (which is a blessed magazine), it's really nice to see that people appreciate this yuri masterpiece. I'm also keeping my review until the anime ends.
surenaga 10 months ago

Don't worry, dear reader. This is one page that is 99% complete. I'm merely holding out until the last episode lest my impressions require an additional layer of praise.

Checking in after quite a long while (my apologies). How have things been?
surenaga 10 months ago

Feels like I was writing a game guide at the end, but the nature of these exercises lends itself to it.

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murid 11 months ago

Reading this makes me want to start my own exercise routine.

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surenaga 11 months ago

You should, but don't go too crazy. Having the privilege of working part-time is what allows me to have the time for these things while keeping stress levels relatively low.

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surenaga 1 year ago

The prelude to the inspirational story of the year.

surenaga 1 year ago

Every mark with a webpage does one of these, so why can't I?

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CreatedDec 24, 2020
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